For almost a century, science has shown that everything is made up of energy.
A human being, the chair you’re sitting on, a tree, gemstones, all of it is vibrating energy.
“Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” -Albert Einstein
Ancient cultures believed that stones possessed sacred healing powers. It is believed that crystals promote good energy flow and help rid your body and mind of negative energy for physical and emotional benefits. There are a number of different types of stones out there. Some people believe they have healing abilities for the mind, body, and soul. Whether you believe in the energy, sacred power, and healing of stones, or the power of suggestion, I believe we all possess healing energy inside us, and our energy flows where we put our focus and attention. Wearing crystals and gems can help us focus, relax, and live intentionally, and enhance our healing.
Physicists tell us that all matter is energy in physical form. Formed over thousands of years, gemstones embody intense concentrations of energy from the earth. Today, we employ the physical properties of gemstones even in using technology. For example, we use gemstones in lasers to perform delicate surgeries and in computers to propel information around the globe. The same energetic properties that are used to create healing tools in western medicine can also be harnessed for spiritual healing. The healing power of gemstones dates back to ancient civilizations that believed in the physiological and psychological benefits of gemstones. Based on the Chinese concept of Qi, crystals and gemstones interact with the body’s energy field, promoting physical, emotional and spiritual healing.
Most gemstones are minerals and can be formed in various ways. Some gems come from volcanic lava streams reaching the earth’s surface and from magma and fiery gasses of the earth’s interior. Others crystallize from hydrous solutions or grow with the help of organisms on or near the earth’s surface. New minerals are formed by the recrystallization of existing minerals under great pressure and high temperatures in the lower regions of the earth’s crust.
The Formation of crystals
Crystals are any material that is grown around and within a host rock. Nearly all minerals grow in certain crystal forms. Many crystals are categorized by their chemical composition. Crystals are the natural structures of minerals. The formation of crystals is a chemical and physical process resulting from the cooling and heating of the elements they are derived from. Crystals all have a unique chemical makeup that ties to the periodic table of elements.
Quartz, for example, is the second most abundant crystal material in the earth’s crust next to feldspar. It is a very durable mineral most commonly found in all types of rocks. It comes in an abundance of colors, with citrine being the rarest color. Quartz grows in grounds all over the world, but in the United States, it is most plentiful in Arkansas.
Lapis, the aggregate from the ground, is classified as a metamorphic rock because of its complex structure. It contains pyrite, which looks like specks of gold. Pyrite is used to create iron sulfate that is used to make nutritional supplements. From a metaphysical perspective, pyrite fuels the mind and body. Calcite (whitish specks) and sparkling inclusions of mica that is used to ground building materials and creates the shimmer in your makeup. Tap into their wonder to ground yourself and added shimmer and sparkle to your life. Sulfur in its matrix gives it a gorgeous deep sapphire blue color. The fundamental contents of rough stone material are used internally for healing and strengthening as well as externally.
Are gemstones the same as crystals?
Most gems form naturally as minerals within the Earth. Most form as crystals, solids whose atoms are arranged in highly ordered repeating patterns called crystal systems. One way of mining them is called open cast mining is one of the methods of gemstone mining, where the overlying minerals or rocks are removed to reach the gemstone-bearing rocks. The gemstone-bearing rocks are then washed by jets of water under high pressure to obtain the gems. These are then sent to treatment plants for further processing.
When we discover interesting stones at Pendulum, we send them to the gem cutter or lapidary. This process goes back to the late middle ages. Lapidary is derived from the Latin root lapidarius meaning stone cutter or working with stone. (Gemstone material that has not been extensively cut and polished is referred to generally as rough.) These gemstones are cut and designed into beautiful, meaningful jewelry worn around your neck and close to your heart.